Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The last weeks...


Yes, yes... This second Batxillerat course is already finishing. It seems that it was just yesterday when we started again in September, without knowing what was waiting for us in this second year... Well, I think many people will agree with me when I say that this year was quite a strange year, basically because it was so short and different than the others that are behind us. It was sometimes hard to keep working, and it was also difficult to go on. But in the end I have to say that probably everyone of us has enjoyed this year, not only because of the new experiences we've made, but because of the people we were in class as well. I know that I haven't been always happy with them, with what they did o how they behaved, but in the end I really have realized that I somehow appreciate them and that I'll surely never forget these two years.
But well, it's also important to make changes sometimes, to make new experiences and to make a step into a new way of living, to change some things in our every day routine.
Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that I've really enjoyed this year, even if it was sometimes quite hard; but in the end, I'm sure everyone will miss this time. Even if we think this year was one of the hardest in our lives, in fact it was only the beginning of the step to working life...
see ya!

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