Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My future

Oh dear... my future... what can I tell you about my future?

Well, at the moment I really have to say that my future is still like a small, grey way, where you can see no ending. Ok, perhaps I could describe my situation like this: the present, the moment I live now, is like a way, a green beautiful but also a little hard way on which I am walking and walking without stopping. But suddenly, this way comes to an end and it becaomes two ways, one on the left and one on the right. This would symbolize the end of Batxillerat and the situation in which I'll be a few weeks from now. Well, what was I saying? Ah, yes, the ways. The problem is that these two ways show no ending and there is nobody who can tell me which way leads to success, to the life I would like to have; nor which way would be the best for me. So it's only my decision which way I go, and it's also my decision what I do with it...
Ok, let's leave the symbols and speak claerly: my problem is that I'm at a point that I think a lot about my future, specially at University, just because I feel again a bit insecure. The fact is that I would like to study Audiovisual Communication (which is basically like Journalism but has more to do with production) and Publicity/PR... I'm sure that I would like both of them, but each one has advantatges and disadvantatges. If I chose the first one I had to go to Barcelona, and for the second one I could stay in Girona, which is nearer to my home... Conclusion: I'm completely lost! What can I do?! (...) "You will succeed anyway, Jenny, it doesn't matter what you do!" says my father, but hey, my whole future may depend on this decision and I'm not so sure if I'm really able to be successfull with everything although I try to work hard...
Well, there would also be the possibility to comine those degrees...
bye bye

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